Paul Labis: This is a personal blog where everyone can read my experiences, ideas and thoughts about programming, latest gadgets and other information technology related topics, lifestyle and many other stuff I would like to share to the public.

Blogger or Blogspot Title Tag Optimization Tip

I know there had been lots and lots of title tag optimization tip written online. However, I thought of sharing what best and works to me among all those I have read and researched online. I made a little bit of improvement to make search engine bot crawlers read my blog title efficiently. 

We do know that blogger is part of Google, however, blogger default templates are poorly optimized. To be able to compete woth other blogs, there are few things to do and that includes optimizing your blogger title tag.
The title tag is a critical part of optimizing your blogger or blogspot blog. Its the one that search engine look over when they crawl your blog links. For example, Google only looks at the first 80 characters of your blog's post title. So say for example on your default template title is rendered like: (green for blog title and orange for post title)
Techie Boy from CDO - Tutorial on Android Layout
The above wasted 20 characters occupied by the blog title which should instead be occupied by the post title. To fix the above, it should look like:
Tutorial on Android Layout - Techie Boy from CDO
Moreover, other search engines does not just read titles. Some read meta tags for description and keywords to locate your website. So, its important to also include and place relevant meta tags on your title.

So, lets begin:
1. Go to your Layout and Edit HTML tab. Check option Expand Widgets Templates and look for the following tag:

2. Optimize the title by replacing the code by:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
        <meta content='Provide description' name='Description'/>
        <meta content='Provide keywords' name='Keywords'/>
        <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>
            <meta content='Same description above' name='Description'/>
            <meta content='Same keywords above' name='Keywords'/>
            <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
            <h1><title><data:blog.pageName/> ~ <data:blog.title/></title></h1>
            <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='Description'/>
            <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + data:blog.title +data:blog.pageTitle' name='Keywords'/>

3. Save template and your done!

This tip is just one way of optimizing your blog. SEO is difficult so to speak. There are calculations and many different ways. Another way of gaining visitors is making use of widgets like Share, Facebook Fan Page, Google Connect, RSS feeds, adding your page or blog on search engines and relevant blog directories, and many, many more...

Hope you find this article helpful. Good luck and have fun!